About SeatupDome®

SeatupDome ® compamy is one of the most powerful high capacity manufacture in EUROPE for Geodesic Domes, Dome houses , All kind of Tents and wooden Houses , The company is carrying out great experience in industrial production since 1995.

Our location in Bulgaria in Europe obligates us for the Highest CE standards and with delivery to your door whether it is inside Europe or in any over place in the world.

For our European clientes the advanture to work with us will be huge since you are purchasing in Europe and receive the product to your door without need of any Export-Import process and without any extra fees.

We are here to manufacture for you whether if you are a privite costumer who is looking for your dreamy house, or a big company who need Support in production High quantitites of domes or tents with short time.

We have Tents for every aspects and fields of life , whether it is your Garden or your bussiness spot for Events and wedding , or if it is for your factory when you want to have showroom or warehouse or any extension to your factory.

Or if you are a farmer who need Greenhouses for your growing plants, or a safe Tent for your farm animals .

Or may God protect, if it is a disaster which happened such as: Earthquake, flood, fire … and you need to supply SOS Tents for the people and Medical Tents… the necessity can be whatever it is we are here ready to help you right on time…

We promise to do the best for you, whether if you are private customer who look to buy 1 unit of product or if you are a company who participate in a tender where you need large quantities for your project.

A story of success:

Our Slogan “SeatupDome ® is with you wherever you go” …

“SeatupDome ® is with you wherever you go…” This slogan came at the first place  by one of our costumer who bought from us a Dome House for his garden then later he decided to buy from us an Industrial Tent for his factory,

Then later on he bought from us our Roof Tent for his car ,

Then he called to thank us and said… “well, you are with me everywhere  I go… in my home I have your Dome House at my garden , and in my work place I got your industrial Tent and in my car your top roof tent !“

So that is how we claim that “SeatupDome ® is with you wherever you go.

it is not only an empty slogan of our company but its a real vision that our company is manifesting everyday!











feel everywhere at home with SeatupDome® ...

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